Micro weddings are becoming much more popular these days. Couples are concerned with budget (obvi) but also are focusing more on the really special people in their lives, rather than everyone at work. But to be honest, there is something to be said for being able to really focus on friends and family instead of all the stress (and sometimes the drama) that can come with larger more complex weddings.  We’ve done several of these over the years at Vida Buena Farm, and from what we’ve seen there are really three big benefits of hosting a smaller, more intimate wedding, that you might not have realized.

  • You can save money AND make a splash  Fewer guests means your wedding will cost less. Food and drink is the biggest cost driver so fewer people clearly reduce your costs. You now have the flexibility to  do things you might not have been able to afford before, to really spoil yourselves and your guests with things like a mobile vintage bar, a beer garden, more time for special group pictures, lawn games or whatever you like.
  • Breaking from tradition gives you the freedom to be creative Lots of brides I’ve spoken to are wary of being the center of attention all day long. One couple actually pulled their wedding up so they didn’t have to invite their large extended family and circle of friends, opting for immediate family only. Smaller weddings lend themselves to different approaches like ceremony circles, stand-up ceremonies, walking yourself down the aisle, or the bride and groom actually walking together. Anything and everything is possible.
  • Spend more quality time with your quests Instead of trying to connect with a hundred people over the course of 6 hours, couples get to spend time actually enjoying themselves and their guests.  At Vida Buena Farm we invite you and your guests to make the most out of the whole weekend. Rehearsal on Friday afternoon can turn into a pizza party for anyone who is in town. Saturday is the big day when everyone gathers to celebrate. Then on Sunday have a wind-down brunch to say your goodbyes.

Interested in hosting your own micro wedding?  Schedule a visit and see how you can make Vida Buena Farm your own.